A quick check list for safe jet boating.

Safety equipment:

  • Life jackets

  • First Aid Kit

  • Waterproof matches

  • Thermal blanket

  • Food

  • Two paddles/oars

  • Battery isolating switch

  • Manual bailing device -bucket, pump etc.

  • Electric bilge pump - 1100GPH or greater

  • Fire extinguishers

  • Tow rope/Bow line

  • Orange flag - 24”x24”

  • Reasonable tool kit and spares

  • Flame arrestors on carb/air inlets

  • All exposed moving parts safely covered

  • Fuel lines/filters/taps inspected

  • Steering system with effective locking devices

  • Registration letters on boat as required by law

  • Check the oil and fuel levels. A good rule of thumb for fuel is: one-third for the trip out, one-third for the return and one-third as reserve.

  • Check the battery's charge and its fluid levels.

  • Be certain the drainage plug is in place.

  • Verify the load on your boat is well distributed.

  • Inspect your pleasure craft's hull and check for cracks or other damage.

  • Seats (including back rests), tanks, battery, windscreens (where fitted) etc. to be securely fixed.

  • All loose items securely fastened. Jerry cans, cooler, camping gear etc.

  • Throttle, shift and steering fasteners to be secured with locking nut, loctite, lock washer etc.

Rules of the road:

It typically takes years of practice to develop competent skills as a jet boater. Don't be afraid to ask experience boaters for advice. Its also a good idea to ride (as driver and passenger) with more experienced jet boaters to gather knowledge and experience. The information below hopefully gives you some ideas to start.

#1 Alcohol and boating can be a dangerous combination. Treat the boat like any other vehicle, stay sober.

#2 Downhill boating is harder than upstream boating. Therefore in rapids or constrained areas give way to boats coming downstream.

  • Visibility. Compare what you can see when standing just back from the top and the bottom of a flight of stairs. Rocks and hazards are hidden just as the risers are hidden when looking from above.

  • Water speed. Boats move faster downstream due to the current pushing them from behind. This means that the allowed time to react to a hazard or situation is much less going downstream. It also means that coming to a stop downstream is much slower and more difficult.

  • A chance to pause. There is usually a pool at the bottom of rapids, this allows a pause in boating and a chance to plan the next directions. There is no such chance above rapids since these areas are more typically shallow.

#3 When operating in a small river or where visibility is limited, keep right.

  • When approaching another boat head on:

  1. each boat moves/turns to the right

  2. passing port side to port side

  3. the left side passes the left side

  • When passing from behind you can boat either side with care

#4 Give way and show respect to other river users

  • Kayakers, Canoeists, and other paddlers

  • Fishermen

  • Swimmers, floaters, rafters etc.

  • Keep a safe and practical distance

  • Smile and wave acknowledging you have seen them so they do not feel threatened by your approach. Remember they may not understand what your boat can do and the conditions required to operate.

Recognizing river patterns:

An important part of jet boating is reading the river. A lot of the acquired skill in reading rivers is recognizing the recurring patterns. One reliable rule of thumb for river boating is “the water is always lazy”. Whenever the water changes direction or speed then some geographic feature or hazard altered and caused it to happen. Ask yourself “why did it happen and what effect will it cause?” If water turbulence is seen amongst otherwise still water then rocks, logs or a shallow section are likely.

So stop often and study any place where the river changes direction. Ask yourself what caused the inherently lazy water to change its momentum and direction. Look at the trees on the bank. Are they on the inside or outside of corners, the shallows or the deep. Now look ahead 500m or so and see if the pattern of trees you see gives an idea of the path of the river ahead.

Are the steeper banks on the inside or outside of corners. What does this tell you about where the deeper water tends to be?

Look for faster moving areas of water, this will usually be deeper than the slower moving sections.

There is often a deep (and thus safer) section close to any big logs or rocks under water. This is caused by water being pushed around and scouring out the riverbed.

New Boaters commonly crash or run aground just at the end of a run as they sight the trailers!! When first heading off, note where a deep stopping pool is and don't stop boating (i.e. “Do Not turn brain off!!”) until you are safely back into this pool.

On the river:

Another great rule is “First up, first down”. Where first means the first channel with just enough water to be boatable. This rule is especially applicable in braided rivers where the channels are constantly changing.

At any corner there is a high likelihood that water will be deepest at the outside. This is because water first tries to continue in a straight line. Over time this water will gouge a deeper and deeper channel at the outside.

Turning on a narrow river? It pays to identify which is the deep side, then start the turn on the shallow side. This means you will be completing the turn in the deep section when your speed is slowest and the boat has settled deeper in the water. This minimizes the risk of running aground.

Boat retrieval:

It's relatively easy to understand why positioning the trailer so it points downstream makes driving the boat on easier. But do you understand why the trailer and tow vehicle should NOT be in line? Having the tow vehicle at an angle of between 45 and 90 degrees to the trailer, makes initial retrieval easier. It's basic physics so probably best you experiment or ask a more experienced boater.

Spinning the tires on the tow vehicle in an attempted retrieval is more likely to dig an embarrassing hole for yourself! Its better to model yourself on a slow steamroller. Moving quietly back and forward compacts the gravel. At the very first sign of spinning stop and reverse direction. Each attempt usually extends the area of compacted gravel/sand. Even only a small amount each time will eventually add up. Only when this isn’t working is it time to ask a friend to also tow.

Practice makes perfect:

Rather than just boating once up and down the river, it is great training to re-boat some rapids multiple times. Chances are that as your apprehension and heart rate drops your confidence and competence will climb.

Look constantly for deep pools and practice stopping safely in them. Recognizing where pools occur (and why) should then become a semi-automatic reaction. This skill is going to save you a push one day!!

A related skill is recognizing and finding safe places to beach your boat. The ideal is where half the boat is securely wedged on the gravel or bank but the jet unit remains poised over a deep pool. Check out where the experienced boaters park.

Is your boat ready?:

Most people have been embarrassed by forgetting to put in the bung at some time. Consider some system to remind you of this. (a mounting on the dash, for the bung when its not in use, is one system).

Standard car batteries don't seem to handle the vibration of jet boats. Spending the extra on high quality Marine batteries is a good long term saving.

The buddy system:

On any group run you have a responsibility to other boaters. Whether boating up or down river your navigator is expected to glance behind regularly (that's every bend or two) and check the next boat in the “convoy” is still following.

If you do not see them the onus is on YOU to slow down or stop and wait 2-3 minutes. If they do not appear then turning around should be considered. Safety and size of waterway for passing is the consideration. When stopping raise your hand to indicate you are stopping to the boat ahead of you.

In this way the whole group will become aware of the need to slow or stop.

Further safety info:

Fire extinguishers must be carried in all boats. Multi purpose (A.B.C) dry powder minimum capacity 1.4 kg or ATC or AFFF multi purpose foam fire extinguisher minimum capacity 1.75 litres, must be fitted in suitable mounting bracket capable of supporting the fire extinguisher in the event of an accident, extinguisher must carry a certificate to show they have been serviced within the previous 12 months. New extinguishers must also have certificates to show they have been serviced. Aerosol type extinguishers are not permitted.

When a boat is fitted with a roll cage it becomes compulsory for all crew to wear an approved safety helmet and full safety harness when the boat is in motion. Seat belts must be of a type where all straps release individually from a common central release point. This simplifies the exit of the boat/seat in the event of an emergency.